Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Don't Bring Gun's And Don't Bring A Show.

The Beto O'Rourke presidential train has officially begun! And on his first-day vendetta to take over politics, one of his stops was Austin, Texas. During his Capital take over all types of locals came to hear what he has to say, one amazing aspect of American alt-right movements never fails to amaze me though, already arriving late to an already packed event, the last thing I would want to see is another political party bring large weapons to a rally full of children, students, mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers. The last place to bring weapons the size of our state. There are no problems in owning the weapons, but taking them out beside when needed to, to further your agenda to be the “American”  that loves their guns and the protection offered by them and even worse to show off. The act of bringing these guns to a political show is not fair and quite abusive to the situation. People who are meeting in a public space, packed to its capacity are not expecting to see people who live for their NRA-given rights. Understanding open-carry laws but when shown up to prove a point is quite honestly fascist in its intent. Proving you have a right to do so, it means to scare the public is Un-American. This isn’t peaceful protest, it’s a call to action, to be there in gear that resembles a militia, is scary. It creates fear, puts a bad name and view of the party reputation you subscribe to.

Sometimes Less Is Best.

Harold Cook author of Letters From Texas, wrote an article by the name of  "On public service, mental health challenges, and knowing when to STFU" about the sharing of opinions about other candidates in local levels of government. In this editorial Cook brings to light the fact that some politicians have left the public view (which is okay!) for their own needs. Mental health, physical health and other factors. However, he aims to point out to his audience that other politicians use this to their advantage, to make an example of others: either by stating that their absence is a push to get rid of their position and further their agenda. Cook mentions Garret Coleman who vanished from public eye to take care of himself ultimately never called out for his absence by others; however, for Susan Hawk, the was not the case, her absence yelled bloody murder, and with her silence, a threat to rid her of her title was made. Cooks article, shows how classless one person can be when needed one person to release their position. The argument he made works for both sides-- to leave politicians alone in regrades to their health, and to eventually look better for a public... Even if masking your agenda with concerns for others.

The Ban On Red Light Cameras.

According to the article "Texas Legislature, ban red light cameras as unfair, unconstitutional, and unsafe" written by the Editorial Board of the Star-telegram states that many large cities and private firms depend on the flow of money that come with citations from traffic fines that start at $75.One thing is that most traffic fines that come form red-light incidents are quite often not paid by and left alone by the owners of the vehicles. On some occasions, most are discarded and thought to be spam mail. However, on the other side of the coin, these traffic cameras at lights are perhaps the important to have in large city and smaller rural areas. They not only can record traffic citations, but, can also be of use to the people when accidents on the road occur.  To also indicate the article mentions "As for the only legitimate argument in favor of the cameras — safety — a 12-year study released in 2018 by Case Western Reserve University in Ohio concludes there is 'no evidence of a reduction in total accidents or injuries' attributable to red light cameras in Texas. In fact, the study says, by training motorists to 'stop even when it would be safer to continue through the intersection,' red light cameras have actually increased rear-end collisions at such intersections: up 28 percent combined in Dallas and Houston," which can be true, however: correlation is not causation, and with the disappearance of red light cameras comes more harm when there is not  adequate prof of real damages that happen at these stops. 

Education... Texas? Dang.

On, Texas Education, Extended Or Fix , according to Carson Hagelman's commentary that deals with Texas education and these specific indi...