Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sometimes Less Is Best.

Harold Cook author of Letters From Texas, wrote an article by the name of  "On public service, mental health challenges, and knowing when to STFU" about the sharing of opinions about other candidates in local levels of government. In this editorial Cook brings to light the fact that some politicians have left the public view (which is okay!) for their own needs. Mental health, physical health and other factors. However, he aims to point out to his audience that other politicians use this to their advantage, to make an example of others: either by stating that their absence is a push to get rid of their position and further their agenda. Cook mentions Garret Coleman who vanished from public eye to take care of himself ultimately never called out for his absence by others; however, for Susan Hawk, the was not the case, her absence yelled bloody murder, and with her silence, a threat to rid her of her title was made. Cooks article, shows how classless one person can be when needed one person to release their position. The argument he made works for both sides-- to leave politicians alone in regrades to their health, and to eventually look better for a public... Even if masking your agenda with concerns for others.

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