Monday, May 6, 2019


The war on drugs, the use of drugs, and the recreational use of drugs all have one problem. There is no approved method to consume and produce them. Perhaps the fact of the matter is- there is no research to provide and prove that perhaps some illicit drugs can be used to help humankind. Marijuana, for instance, according to the united states is worse than heroin. However, perhaps this has to do with the opioid in heroin and the pain-relieving effect it has on the body during severe cases. But, what is it about the use of hardcore drugs that scares the public? Propaganda?  After all, during the Nixon administration the "War On Drugs" began and during this time frame, most hippies brought to life cannabis, later deemed the gateway drug. But why? Is it due to the excessive entry of illicit drugs into the United States? People, who become degenerate crack-heads? The pain and loss of a person close to you? Or, is it just a dangerous space to explore? The effect these drugs not only have on their user but the users own family is horrific. Perhaps, if there were more strict regulation of drugs and extensive research behind them to help provide a safer user experience for the public, would there be less money spent on drug-related crimes? An increase in tax-profit? A better net for the protection of a nations person? When will Texas be the first state to make the next step in not only ending the war, heavy usage, and provide a better and safer public for all of its people, even if it is a harsh state to begin with, but, with this liberation can come better Tax-Revenue to pay if not most debt, all debt in the state and create better programming and funding to create a better and safer state, and then later a nation.

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